My Mission

As a Speech-Language Pathologist and Private Practice owner I have always been motivated to learn more and push boundaries. Whether it's for my staff members or my clients, I am always looking for best practices and solutions to help advance the services we offer and the field in general. I worked tirelessly to learn and master the process of negotiating with insurance companies and I feel a responsibility to pass it on to other healthcare professionals. I'd love to see a system-wide change in how therapists and other healthcare professionals are reimbursed and I believe this is an excellent start. I hope you'll join me!

Rebecca looking down at her computer working and smiling

Ready to Get Started?

Join my online course to get focused training and guidance. You'll have the opportunity to pursue 1:1 Coaching with me post course if you'd like more direct support.

Join my online course to get focused training and guidance. You'll have the opportunity to pursue 1:1 coaching with me post course if you'd like more direct support.

Want a Sneak Peek? Grab my FREE Checklist!

The Ultimate Guide: What To Do From Start to Finish

Personal Support with 1-on-1 Coaching

A quick and easy way to get a sneak peek and basic overview of the types of items you'll be collecting to correspond with your insurance companies.

Everything you need to know to understand the process, necessary information to collect, and how to present it to your representative for the best possible outcome.

Available to professionals who've taken the course. Individualized
support & guidance from Rebecca to help you through your unique insurance negotiation process.

The Ultimate Guide: What To Do From Start to Finish

Everything you need to know to understand the process, necessary information to collect, and how to present it to your representative for the best possible outcome.

Want a sneak peek? Grab my FREE Checklist!

A quick and easy way to get a sneak peek and basic overview of the types of items you'll be collecting to correspond with your insurance companies.

Personal Support with 1-on-1 Coaching

Available to professionals who've taken the course. Individualized
support & guidance from Rebecca to help you through your unique insurance negotiation process.

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©️ 2023 Rebecca Rowe

©️ 2023 Rebecca Rowe